Powering lunar missions for a better tomorrow

Producing lunar engines to mine fusion reactor fuel

Mazer Dynamics will provide the optimal fuel source for Earth’s energy needs.

Vacuum-Operating Internal Combustion Engine (VOICE)

Believe it or not, the best way to get large amounts of mobile power on the Moon is internal combustion. Here’s why:

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Power without the Weight

An unmatched power-to-weight ratio.

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Easily Fueled

Runs on the same fuel source as the rockets that transport it.

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The safest power source transportable by rocket.

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Easily scaled for multipurpose, modular deployments.


3-Phase Approach

  1. World's first vacuum operating, internal combustion engine for Lunar power

  2. Automated processing of helium-3

  3. Seize the newly developed market with the fuel of the future